Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Practicum Student Exhibition- Matisse Lesson


Henri Matisse was a French painter who became very famous for using extraordinarily bold colors. Later in life, as his health began to fail, Matisse turned to making collages. His last and most important works were a collection of mixed-media collages. Matisse arranged boldly colored paper cutouts into striking compositions, and added text in his own handwriting to produce a book that has been referred to as "the visual counterpart of jazz music”.
I created an elementary (3rd grade) lesson plan influenced by this period of Matisse work.  My objectives and standards were as follows

  1. Students will speculate about the process Matisse uses to create his paper cut outs.
  2. Students will learn and apply knowledge of positive and negative space.
  3. Students will experiment with forms, media, and art making approaches to create unique and interesting compositions. (organization)

National Arts Standards addressed:
Anchor Standard 7: Perceive and analyze artistic work
Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

My students took all their work home and all i have left are the pictures so I decided to showcase them in a slideshow presentation!
Click below to see my slideshow of my practicum students work!  Don't mind the music.  I didn't want to have to pay to use my own. 

Henry Matisse Practicum Slideshow

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